Backpacking in the Cascades
I just got back yesterday from a quick backpacking trip with a friend from work. On Friday morning we drove about 70 miles into the Cascade mountain range northeast of Seattle. We hit the trail and hiked about 3 miles up to Lake Dorothy, a 1.5 mile long lake in the Alpine Wilderness area. The lake had a few small islands in the center that I thought about swimming out to (it was a hot, humid day), but we decided to continue on over the next ridge to Bear Lake because they allowed campfires there and we thought the smoke would help to keep the bugs (non-biting midges) away. This picture to the left is on a bridge over the largest stream we crossed. Bonus points for anyone who knows what the numbers on my shirt mean.
I believe those are the IQ scores during your experiment.. you know.. do drugs impact your IQ. vs taking the test underwater, and I believe the best idea was to take the test in a snake pit and see if it altered you're IQ..
Clearly I think the experiment was a success! I think it's cool that you brag by making a shirt with your scores. (a bit much) but it's still cool..
P.S. I'm Dang Jealous!
you live in the most beautiful place...and I keep wanting to buy a lottery ticket with those numbers, but I know I would have to share the winnings with 50,000 other people.
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