Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Company Picnic

Now that we are corporate working, two kids, SUV-driving, home owning adults, we did what grown-ups do...we went to The Company Picnic. Amazon put on a company event up in North Bend for all employees and their families. Complete with free t-shirts, kites for the kids, food (a great selection of BBQ foods, sides, and desserts), rock climbing wall, broom ball tournament, bouncy house, bouncy obstacle course, and bouncy sprinkler run for the kids, paddle boats, arts & crafts booths, pony rides, hayrides, motorcycle show, and an honest to goodness Cher impersonator. It just doesn't get any better. :) The boys had a blast flying kites and running through sprinklers, and Liam did the bumper paddle boats all by himself without a single meltdown! Caleb mostly just wanted to run through the sprinklers. It was a lot of fun, and we can't wait until next year's event!


Kate said...

now that's how you put on a party...for the record Caleb looks exactly like his grandpa...dontcha think? and who is that older kid? i don't even recognize him anymore, he is such a big boy

Paige said...

That beats the pants off the company picnics we attend. What an event!

Audrey said...

I'm glad you had so much fun! And the kids too of course! Maybe you can sneak us in next time...

Torrie said...

don't you love when a company actually shows they care and put on a really fun time? my husbands company does the same- smaller scale- smaller company...
glad you had a fun day!