Sunday, January 3, 2010

No More Naps

So, in hopes of beating the bed-time battle (and middle of the night craziness) that has become the norm at our house, we decided we would try to have a go at no more naps. Now, the first time we tried this we ended up with a 9:30pm waking that was pretty much like a demonic possession as far as Caleb was concerned. Half an hour of screaming, running in and out of the room, throwing himself head first against anything...the floor, us, the sides of his crib, wasn't pretty. Needless to say, we did not move forward with the experiment.

Then, after a very successful "no nap" experience while staying over night with their cousins (thanks again, Allison and Dodie!), we decided we would give it another go. So, for about a week now, we have had some success. I say "some", because let's face it...until I get a whole night's sleep without being woken up then I don't consider it a complete success. A girl can dream, right? :) So, the number of night wakings have lessened somewhat and we continue to move forward. The transition is toughest on Caleb, of course, and most days last week he reached a point in the late afternoon where he couldn't take it anymore and just passed my arms, on the couch watching a show, etc. The funniest one was when I put on a show for the boys, went to the bathroom, came back downstairs and found the following:

He was apparently so worn out that he didn't even mind being used as an armrest. Didn't even flinch when Liam said, "Look, Mom, Caleb fell asleep, see..." and proceeded to poke him the eye a couple of times.

1 comment:

Paige said...

We are kind doing the same thing, though not for the night-wakings for the playtime at bedtime that Sommer's been doing. I have a picture to post of her asleep on the couch. She couldn't quite make it.