Friday, April 18, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

Okay, so it's not Monday and it's actually not rainy either, but since it is Seattle that could change at any moment...well, the rainy part, at least. It's very weird because the move doesn't really feel quite real yet. Maybe it's because we are in temporary housing, so it just feels like a long vacation. Although, on no vacation would I choose to stay in Chinatown across from the major Bus and Train Stations in Downtown. Oh well. Chock it up to adventure, right?

We are in the process of purchasing a house...and boy what a process! The back and forth of signatures and revisions and approvals...and we haven't even gotten to the official title transfer sign-over thing-a-ma-process that takes place in the Escrow Office yet. Oy vey! But we found a house that we love, and we're very excited about it. So barring anything wrong with inspection next week, or any title problems, we will be homeowners soon (and, of course, "house poor"). We will close about a week after our temp housing arrangement is expired, so we will be homeless for a week or so...currently trying to figure out exactly what we'll do at that point. Oh well, one day at a time, right?

For those who were concerned (or joked) that Liam would not ever get to play outside because of the rain, you will be interested to know that on sunny days since we have been here, he's pretty content to climb into the window sill and watch buses and cars and people go by and yell instructions at them all (STOP, BUS! etc.), but on days when it is raining, he begins saying "My rain!" and clamouring to get outside and play in the rain and puddles. I think he'll be alright. :) Anyway, kind of a random entry but just thought I'd get some of the updates/thoughts etc. out while the boys are keeping each other busy. Love to all!

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