Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amazon Q4 Beard Challenge

The Amazon.com Movies team, of which I am a proud member, recently decided to meet the combined challenges of a dour economy and the fourth quarter (busiest time of year for us retail folks) by launching an initiative to improve team productivity (actually, it was all my friend Nick Love's idea): the Q4 Beard Challenge. What better way is there to save a few extra minutes each day than not having to shave? So, that's exactly what we did. Starting November 1st, about thirty or so of us (including some of the Music and Video Games guys) stopped shaving and just let our natural manliness manifest itself. There was supposed to be a contest and official judging for the best beard on Dec. 19, but Seattle was completely snowed out and the event was canceled because no one could make it to the office. Judging will be handled online (of course) at a future date. But, here are a few samples of my meager contribution to the effort - the devolution of a beard.


Kate said...

Oh, Andrew so cute!!!!!! I mean manly, so so manly!!! Jim should post some pics of his economy beard.

Allison and Tim said...

I loved the shot by shot. That was awesome. What can say but Andrew you are an interesting guy, full of drama. So this proves that you CAN look like anyone, secret identity is your forte. Love ya big bro.

sung & kathy said...

hey andrew!

great shots! the one photo of you looking anarchist/KKK/pedophile gave me the chills! you also make a great morgan spurloch.