Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Inspiration

I love my local YMCA. It inspires me to exercise. Not because it has amazing facilities, cardio and weight rooms, a full-size pool, basketball courts, rock-climbing wall, etc. And not for any of the many many options of classes they have: Zumba, Pilates, Family Yoga, Family Circuit Training, just to name a few. No, my local YMCA inspires me to work out because it has a wonderful child-care setup that my children love to go and play at. Lots of kids, activities, and a huge playland (like the one at McDonald's, only cleaner). And since my children love to go, and I think it is good for them to get out and about, play with other kids, and be with other people, I go. Even if I don't want to.

This morning, for example. After a pretty rough night night with the boys...okay, boy...I was more than a little tired this morning. "Get up and go the gym" I kept repeating in my head as Andrew got ready and left for work. I kept repeating it as the boys ran in and out of my room bringing me cups of playdough to open, cars to fix, and then to show me their latest playdough creations. Finally, Liam climbed on my bed and wanted to snuggle, so I told him we would be going to the "play place" (what they both call the gym). He excitedly started telling me about one of the boys he played with last time and wanted to play with again, and as I rolled over onto my side to talk to him, I experienced an excruciating sharp pain between my left shoulder blade and spine. Now, I am no stranger to back pain. Have dealt with various forms of it most of my adult life, so it takes quite a kick to make me gasp for air and cry out in pain. poor Liam had no idea what my problem was.

So, I grabbed the old ice pack, lay on it for 15 minutes, then seeing the look on Liam's face as he was processing this information and how it was going to effect his chances of going to the play place, I sat up, said, "Let's get dressed and eat, boys", fed them, dressed them, dressed myself (thought I'm sure everyone at the gym thought I looked totally homeless with my paint-stained baggy scrubs pants, oversized pirate t-shirt and huge zip up hoodie - hey, who feels like getting dressed when you hurt), and headed to gym. I took it easy so as not to hurt my shoulder area more...did the treadmill (that was a first), and the bike, and lots of stretching. And that is why my local YMCA inspires me to workout. Good for the kids, good for me. Now what can I eat...


Paige said...

It does sound like a great place for the whole family. I just stopped my 24 hour fitness account. Maybe we'll join you over there.

Hope your back's better!

Allison and Tim said...

Wish I could bring mine there! And hey work out too!!

kelly said...

ouch! are you better?