Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm SO that girl...

You know the one at the gym with her headphones on that's mouthing all the words and making the Metallica face and bobbing her head while she works out, practically dancing on the elliptical trainer. I must look hilarious! But there is nothing like a really great new workout mix to make you feel good. The kind that makes you smile with each new song that comes on. was that kind of day at the gym. And I am that kind of girl. :)


Paige said...

I can totally picture you doing that. Makes me smile. I need a new workout mix so I feel like doing that too!

kelly said...

that's awesome!
was it metallica?

Kathy said...

Yeah, I've been using the same workout mix forever, so it was definately time for an upgrade. But who has time to search new music?

Yes, there was a little Metallica and some Led Zepplin, among others. :)

Anonymous said...

I love that you are that kind of girl.

Rock on sister!