Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mobile Baby

Well, it's official...Caleb's walking! He's moved from a few steps and falling to teetering his way through the entire kitchen, even managing to round the corner by the fridge and head into the hallway. He looks a little tipsy, but I'm pretty sure the juice wasn't fermented. :) He has also taken to throwing himself face first off of Liam's toddler bed when they play together at night in Liam's room before bed. He climbs up on the bed, scoots to the edge on his knees, raises his hands high above his head and throws himself forward head-first on to the floor. Then he laughs, jumps up and climbs up to do it again. He's trouble. :)

Liam's favorite thing to say right now is "Have a good day. You too!" He says it whenever Andrew leaves for work, or whenever I leave the room, and he says it all together, fast, like he's having both parts of the conversation. It actually started when we were in the drive-thru at McDonald's getting Chicken McNuggets (of course), and the girl said to me "Have a good day." To which I, of course, responded "You too." That was it, he started saying it there in the car and has been saying it since. I love the way their little minds work!

1 comment:

Kate said...

that is so cute...don't you hate it when you say the "you too" comment in an inappropriate way. Not quite thinking before you"congratulations"..."you too"