Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seriously, Kenley?!?!

Okay, for those of you who do not watch Project Runway, this post will mean nothing to you and you can go ahead and skip it. Unless, of course, you'd like to read my inane ramblings about reality TV... they're your braincells, I guess.

SO, Kenley should have been GONE! Suede's design might not have been exciting, but at least it was on the right track and well-made. I'm sorry, Kenley's pants were HIDEOUS! It wasn't only the style that was bad (don't get me started on the nightmares pants like those would give to us full-figured girls with actual hips), but the execution was atrocious! She took teeny tiny little LeAnn and made her look like like a whale (with bad accessories). And then to blame LeAnn for "not selling the look" and "being a total poser"..good grief, girl...just own your own shortcomings already. We all know that you you are a fantastic designer and make amazing clothes in your own design asthetic, but let's face it, she failed miserably this time. I think Jerrell put it best when he said she makes one heck of a 50's dress and that about it. I really kind of liked her at the beginning, but the last several weeks, she is getting to be a real brat. She fights with Tim - Tim, for pete's sake, who is only there to help them succeed and is like the nicest man on television - laughs in the faces of other designers, refuses to take anyone's criticism, and continues to make the same things over and over. Okay, so they all make the same things over and over (love you anyway, Korto!), but I'm talking about Kenley right now. My favorite part of the whole catastrophic evening was when she actually assumed that LL Cool J, a man who most certainly understands Hip Hop fashion (both male and female elements) better than herself, wanted her to make baggy clothes for LeAnn. She didn't even let him finish his thought before she blurted out that she didn't wat to make it all baggy. Sweetheart, this LL talking. If you knew the first thing about his career, or had even ever watched one of his videos, you would surely understand that he was NOT suggesting you make super baggy clothes for a Hip Hop woman. And for pete sake, Kenley, let someone finish a sentence already (i.e. Tim, LL Cool J, Dian Von Furstenberg, or apparently as evidenced by next week's clip, Heidi). I know, I know...someone has to play the villain for the sake of television. It seems to me that the show's producers thought it was going to be Suede at the beginning of the season, with his third-person commentary on everyone else, but then he got all soft and sensitive with the whole Hedda Lettuce debacle. That's okay, Kathy liked the softer side of Suede.

And speaking of Suede. Poor Suede. All I can say is: Suede, Kathy thinks you were totally robbed. And while the judges thought your design lacked oopmph, Kathy thought that both the design and construction of it were far superior to Kenley's. And Kathy, for one, will mourn the loss of the third-person references on Project Runway. Peace out, Suede.

Phew! It feels so good to get that off my chest! Thanks for tuning all, y'all!


Alex Griffard said...

I didn't read the post, because I think you're crazy for watching those silly shows. I just wanted to say: change the font color! It's too hard to read!

Kate said...

Oh, I miss you and your reality show ramblings. But I can totally hear your voice talking.
love it.

Barty Family said...

I love your commentary! Yea!!! I totally agree with everything. I felt bad for LL Cool J to have to put up with Kenly's attitude about hip hop fashion. LL has always been one of my favorite hip hop actors anyway. Suede should have stayed too. He really annoyed me at first, but he has grown on me.

Barbara J. Wahlquist said...

Hey, Babe! I hope this works. You know me, I am still pretty naive about all this. But - you must add the ads to your blog. I agree with Andrew. Janet got her first check. No reason not to do it. Good luck! Mom