Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kiss Me, I'm Irish!

Okay, so the clovers might be a little much, but I thought it being St. Patrick's Day soon and all that I needed to embrace my Irish Buckley/MacGuire roots and style the blog up right. :) Don't worry, Andrew, it will be subtle and masculine again soon enough.

This past week has been pretty busy. My sisters were here to visit (which was so fun!), I taught Joy School this week (not as much fun), went visiting teaching, then hosted a baby shower for a friend. I know, I know, it doesn't really sound like that much stuff, but I am finding that I am less organized than I used to be, and the addition of small children to the mix cause everything to take a little least for me, anyway. Anyway, it was a good full week, but I'm glad it's over (except for the sisters' visit).

These were the flowers I got for the baby shower (Baby Lily and Mommy Rose). I love flowers.


kelly said...

perfect flowers for a beautiful shower!
btw, i tagged you on my blog.
that's what friends are for...

Kate said...

so pretty, and random comment about your song selection. I took photos of Elbow at work several months ago, they were my absolute favorite band...I love them!!!!!

Amy said...

I'm a sucker for flowers too. I bet you did a beautiful job on the baby shower.