Monday, February 1, 2010

He's a lover...

So, while driving in the car today we passed a dance studio with a sign out front and Liam asked me what the sign said. I told him, and our conversation proceeded like this:

"Mom, am I going to be a dancer when I grow up?"
"If you want to be a dancer when you grown up, you can. Do you want to take some dance lessons?"
"I don't want to wear the pink stuff."
"No, honey, you wouldn't wear the pink stuff. Boys were something else. But we can sign you up for some fun dance lessons, if you want."
Long pause. Then, in an enthusiastic tone...
"Will there be girls there?"

And that, my friends, is why I say he's a lover, not a fighter. :)


Kate said...

Some boys don't EVER get this concept...silly silly boys. Jim on the other hand took dance all through High School, brilliant! Liam, is even more brilliant learning this lesson so young. hilarious!

Kathy said...

I know! I totally thought of the male cheerleader in Bring It On when he said that. It was cracking me up! I don't think Andrew had ever been so proud. :)

kelly said...

smart boy!
grady's starting to catch on to that too!