Saturday, June 12, 2010

And The Living Is Easy

Summertime! Summer finally came to Seattle! Okay, so we've had some really beautiful weather throughout May, but the first two weeks of June were rough. Not entirely surprising, as it has been this way at least for the last two summers as well, but rough, nonetheless, when you can't wait to get to outside activities and kids start getting cabin fever, etc. So, to honor the gorgeous 70-something degree weather we had today (have I mentioned how much I adore summer in Seattle... seriously... gorgeous, but I digress...), we went for a hike/beach trip at Discovery. The boys were troopers and did mostly the entire thing by themselves (Caleb had to be carried once or twice just for a few minutes). And mom was a trooper, too! Re-injured toe and all. (Yes, a couple of days ago, I slammed my newly healed broken toe into a large metal hand weight that had been left in the middle of the floor, hiding under a blanket... living room forts are dangerous things). Anyway...

Not to mention, it was low tide, and I did the ultimately momly thing and trudged out through the muck and seaweed to look at cool things with my kids, touch detached crab claws, open up empty clam shells, and show them the difference between clams, oysters, mussels, and abalone shells. That's right, I AM patting myself on the back right now. It was one of those rare moments when somewhere in the back of my brain, all the seemingly useless trivia that I have stored up from years of animal planet, discovery channel, and various other facty tidbit shows and books all came together and I was able to sound really smart and amazing to my 4 and 2 year olds. Go, mom! Although, mom DID forget to bring a camera and consequently has no pictures to document said event. Oh well, you can't win 'em all, I suppose. And now I am off to sew a zillion tiny ties for Father's Day Keychains... Good times.

1 comment:

Torrie said...

love the story! your words painted a wonderful picture- even if you don't have any. glad you got to enjoy one of the great beach parks around here.
sorry about your toe...again.