Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Inspiration

So, I used to cook. Well, I mean, I used to like to cook. I still do, I have simply found that since my children won't eat "real" food (and by real, I mean anything that isn't finger food, or dipped in syrup), cooking holds a little less appeal for me. Making two separate dinners for grown-ups and kids is not my idea of a good time. Now, I'm sure there are people who are thinking (Andrew probably included), "Why are you making the kids separate food? You put the food in front of them and if they are hungry enough they will eat it. You've done this to yourself by caving and giving them kid food in the first place..." blah, blah, blah. Until you've walked a mile with my kids...please don't judge. I personally cannot take the whine and meltdowns that come with them being hungry, so I feed them what they will eat, try to get a little nutrition in them, and cope, recognizing that there was much I would not eat as a child, and I have come to love all of it. But I digress...

So, you can only make scrambled eggs, pancakes, french toast, pasta, chicken nuggets, and peanut butter and honey sandwiches so many times before you lose all sense of what tastes good and what you like to cook. But I have been inspired...

I have several friends who write food blogs, and after reading a couple of them (particularly Mindika's Moments - can't wait to try the rainbow cupcakes, and Chemistry Cooking - thanks, Amy, for the SuperCook link), I have again felt inspired to cook. Not sure how it will go, but so far two bites of broccoli (covered in homemade cheese sauce) made it into Liam's body (not happily, of course, but it's a start, right?). And maybe I can rediscover my love of cooking and rejuvenate my relationship with food. Let's hope.


Paige said...

Sounds yummy! I love finding new cooking inspiration.

Becky said...

glad I'm not the only one.