Thursday, April 1, 2010


So, today, I came to a significant self-realization. I have no love for the gym and working out. No, that is not the realization. :) I've realized why working out, getting/staying in shape, eating super healthy is a challenge for me. It's because I think I look better than I actually do. My sister and I have have talked a lot about this, and we both have the same problem (if you want to call it that): No matter what our weight and size, we think we look really good. I'll see someone in the grocery store or wherever that, in reality, is exactly my size and I think in my head "I'm smaller than that." Totally delusional! :) So, when you have this uber-healthy self-image (deluded as it may be), it makes it hard to tell yourself to do those extra 10 minutes on the elliptical (or get to the gym at all, for that matter), or that extra set on one of the weight machines. And is certainly no help when it comes to avoiding the Funyuns, Peanut Butter M&M's, and Cheeseburgers. :) I thought about posting a picture of me in a swim suit on the fridge to help motivate me (we've all done this at some time or another, right?), but then I realized that if it was an older before-children photo, I would simply look at it and think "that's what I look like now", and if it was a current photo of what I actually look like in a swimsuit, I would look at it and think "Dang, I look good!" :) In many ways, it's wonderful to have such an unrealistic positive image of myself, but a little realism sure would make the healthier eating and motivation to exercise easier. :) So, on that note...I think I hear some Peanut Butter M&M's in my cupboard calling my name...


Paige said...

You are a babe. I'm glad you know it.

Torrie said...

what you need is a trip to cancun to motivate those 10 pounds to run for the hills!
but really- you look great!

Allison and Tim said...

I think you are beautiful as well! So maybe its just the truth, you are looking good my friend. Get the flu like I did all weekend, helps curb the appetite! :(

kelly said...

i think your self-image is spot on with your rockin' bod!
and i am so, so, so jealous of that body confidence. i'm working on that.

kelly said...

now go eat a rice crispie treat!